Bryan Schaefer-Bennett

Making it work and stringing it together in the third armpit of Los Angeles. You've got dreams? I've got a Krispy Kreme donut.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I was filling up my car with gas last night at the Shell station on Sunset / Alvarado. I was all by myself, trying not to touch my dirty car as I watched my money tick away, thinking how honorable it would be to bike around instead...

When a woman and a man cut through the gas station on bikes to Sunset. The man got ahead of the woman. Her wheels started sliding out of control, wobbling a lot. Then she just crashed into the ground. She didn't move.

Some guy from the street ran over to the scene. The man in front stopped his bike and walked it back. I slowly walked over, seeing what I could do to help. I didn't say anything, but started lifting up the bike. It had a nice basket strapped to the back with bungee cords. The guy who got there first seemed to take control of the situation, talking a lot and making a lot of motions. It didn't matter if he made sense. It was chaos. The bikers just wanted to let someone else reorganize and tell them what they needed to do. Nevermind that I had a car and probably wasn't homeless. That I could offer them more help than the guy off the street. I just wasn't loud or commanding.

The man dismissed me, said "Thanks" and helped the woman up. I tried to get a look up her dress as she stood up, but she was careful. Her legs were dark with bruises, blood and asphalt. She was larger and older. It hurts more to fall the older you get. And you bruise more the spidery your veins get. I got in my car and drove up the hill to home.

Friday, August 12, 2005

i was perusing ebay for an out-of-print future pigeon lead dubs cd and this was the search result. creepy.

i know people have been offering their bodies on ebay, for sale and for marketing purposes. wasn't there a slave for auction on ebay once? i sometimes think that would be better than this minimum wage job in Burbank. At least I get to roll by Circus Liquor on the way home and wallow with the rest of the min wagers. Liquor store, gas station, auto body repair, repeat.